The enchanting star Bhumika Chawla speaking to a Television channel said that she did complete a decade in the film industry and her husband Bharat Thakur is fond of films due to which she enjoys being producer of the film Thakita Thakita. Answering a question she said that marriage is all about learning a lot of things, compromises, etc., not just living ones own self and at the end of the day it could be beautiful with a better understanding. Bhumika says that she feels difficulty in Telugu language and furthermore, she hesitates due to the grammar of the language for which she is not fluent in Telugu. As asked about the meeting with Bharat Thakur who is a yoga teacher, Bhumika replied that instant love occurred between them as she visited him to learn yoga.
She said that she is trying her level best to be a good actress as well as a good wife and as an actress she would be judged by the audience and as a wife she would be judged by her husband Bharat Thakur. Answering about her popularity in a short time and less number of films, Bhumika said that it might have occurred due to the good subjects of the films she have worked. She thanked the producers and directors for choosing her for women-oriented roles due to which she did gain the opportunity of good performance.
She described about her theatre experience as a wonderful one. She said that her first play recently in Hyderabad, titled 'A Streetcar Named Desire' was indeed an amazing experience one need not wait for the audiences' response for days together in case of the theatre